Hi! I’m Lamia Büşra Yeşil.

I am an experienced instructional designer and dedicated language teacher specializing in educational excellence across all age groups. With a passion for innovative teaching and a commitment to lifelong learning, I create comprehensive e-learning materials and conduct dynamic teacher training workshops. My goal is to empower both students and educators through engaging and effective educational experiences.

A passion for creating spaces

Welcome to My Instructional Design and Language Teaching Zone!

I design engaging learning experiences, train teachers effectively, and teach English as a foreign language.

Language Teaching for all ages

Children: Fun and interactive lessons that build foundational language skills.

Teens: Engaging content that keeps teenagers motivated and enthusiastic about learning.
Adults: Tailored instruction that meets the diverse needs of adult learners, whether for professional development or personal enrichment.

Teacher Training Workshops

Professional Development: Workshops that provide educators with the latest strategies, tools, and techniques in language teaching and instructional design.

Interactive Training: Hands-on sessions that allow teachers to practice new skills and receive feedback.

Instructional Design

Custom E-Learning Materials: 
High-quality, engaging online courses and resources designed to meet specific learning objectives.

Curriculum Development: Comprehensive and cohesive curriculum plans that ensure continuity and progression in learning.

Working together!

Experience: Over 10 years of experience in teaching and instructional design.
Expertise: Specialized knowledge in language education and e-learning development.
Innovation: Cutting-edge approaches to teaching and training that incorporate the latest educational technologies.
Customization: Personalized services tailored to meet the unique needs of students and educators.
Passion: A genuine love for teaching and a commitment to educational excellence.